Tag Archives: Camden Junior School

Admissions confusion explained

We have obtained an explanation of the confusion over the admissions policy of the Harris Junior Academy Carshalton (the school formerly known as Camden Juniors). See also our previous post.

Apparently, Harris had no intention of changing the school’s admissions policy in such a way that would stop giving priority to children from Victor Seymour.  It was just that they made a mistake in writing up their policy!

Harris had originally suggested that they could move children into the school from Victor Seymour outside of the  ‘oversubscription’ admissions criteria; they had therefore not included a specific reference to Victor Seymour in their proposed admissions arrangements.

But this would have been unlawful – as was pointed out to them by Sutton Council. To be able to continue to give priority to pupils from Victor Seymour a specific reference to that must be made in the ‘oversubscription’ criteria.

These ‘incorrect’ admissions arrangements, without reference to Victor Seymour, were the ones Harris put on their website and described in the prospectus for the Harris Junior Academy Carshalton.

Harris have now corrected their oversubscription criteria and published corrected admissions arrangements on their website.

A copy can also be downloaded here.

The description of the admissions arrangements on page 8 of the Prospectus for the Harris Junior Academy Carshalton is wrong.

Harris Juniors Carshalton not on email!

It appears that either Harris do not know the school’s email address or do not want anyone to email them.

On the Harris main website the email address for the school is shown on screen as harrisjuniorcarshalton.org.uk, but actually directs you to info@harrisprimarycarshalton.org.uk, which is also the email address given on the schools new website at http://www.harrisjuniorcarshalton.org.uk/.

We, and others, have tried emailing both of these email addresses but they do not get through, being rejected by the email system.

We would be interested to know what experience others have had in trying to email the new Harris Junior Academy Carshalton.

Missed Opportunity

If the Harris Federation wanted a new school logo, there are many images they could have used that would  be more relevant to the school’s heritage and place in the local community than a hot air balloon.

A simple trawl through the internet could provide a number of ideas.

For example using images from the Carshalton Urban District Council coat of arms:

  • Red Rose – see previous post
  • White swan – representing Carshalton ponds and the waters of Carshalton
  • Greyhound – from the Gainsford (Gaynsford) family coat of arms
  • Red lion – from the burghershes, the Lord of the Manor of Stone Court in the 14th century
  • Heraldic Fountain – representing the spring of Carshalton Ponds and the River Wandle
  • Crown – representing the Fellows family of Carshalton House (1700s)
  • Spring of Beech – representing Carshaton Beeches
  • Oak leaves – representing Oaks Park
  • Red Chevron – representing the Gainsford (Gaynsford) family of Stone Court and Scawen family of Carshalton Park

The colours of Carshalton are gold and red.

Why gold?

Gold comes from John Fellows and the Earl of Hardwick, previous owners of Carshalton House.

Why red?

see previous post

Just a few suggestions ! ….

School name or ego trip?

Why do all Harris Federation schools have ‘Harris’ in the title and moreover, why is ‘Harris’ the most prominent word?

On the new school sign for the ‘Harris Junior Academy Carshalton’ the word that  is made to stand out is ‘Harris’.

Why does the word ‘Harris’ have to be upfront in the name of all of their schools?

What is worse is that the school badge does not have the word Carshalton on it anywhere – just the word ‘Harris’.

It appears that the naming of the school is less about its location or its history and more about promoting the name ‘Harris’.

The name of the school should focus on the school not on the sponsor.

Harris does not need to be in the title of the school.  The Harris Federation could easily identify themselves as sponsor on the sign or the letterhead, whilst keeping the original name of the school.

Keep Camden’s memory alive

Whilst we are of course very disappointed that Camden Junior School will become a Harris Academy – and as a result of that will lose its name – we believe that it is important that Camden and its history is not forgotten.

We have carried out some research into Camden’s 138 year history – read more here.

We are seeking to ensure that the heritage of the school  and its place in the development of Carshalton is preserved by establishing a form of archive of information and artefacts relating to the life and history of the school.

If you have any suggestions of what we should include or items that you could donate or let us have copies of, please email us on keepcamdenlocal@gmail.com.

Last few days to give your views

There are just a few days left before the consultation on the future of Camden Junior School closes on Friday 19 July.

If you have not done so, please complete and return the official consultation questionnaire to ensure your views are taken into account when the decision is taken.

The future of Camden Juniors is a matter in which everyone’s views matter – parents and non-parents alike.

Our local schools are educating the young citizens of the future on behalf of the whole community, and they are funded by all taxpayers.

The DfE says that the consultation ‘will seek the views of parents and carers, teachers and support staff and interested parties in the wider community’.

And every individual with an interest can return a form – it is not just one per child or one per household.

Consultation forms can be sent to Callidas, as shown on the form, or returned to Camden Junior School and the school will ensure they are forwarded to be included in the consultation.

You can pock up a consultation form from Camden Juniors or download a copy here.

Harris interfering with consultation?

On the official consultation form it says that consultation forms should be returned either to Callidas or to Camden Junior School.

Apparently the consultation forms that had been returned to the school have now been removed by Harris staff.

Parents were told that the consultation forms would be sent to and dealt with by Callidas, the company engaged for that purpose.  And in a letter to MP Tom Brake, Lord Nash says that the consultation will be ‘objective and thorough’.

For parents to have confidence in the process and outcome, it is important that there is transparency and openness throughout the consultation. Parents are now questioning this.

If Harris is allowed to see the consultation responses that were left at the school before they go to Callidas, then there is no reason why Greenshaw, and other interested parties such as governors and our MP, should not also be allowed see them.

This is adding to the perception that the whole consultation is a flawed process.

Get your consultation form in!

Please make sure you fill in and return the official consultation form before 19 July.

The consultation form is in the Harris Proposal document; please also read the Greenshaw Proposal document before making up your mind.

For a summary of why we think Greenshaw is the best option for Camden Juniors, see this leaflet.

Consultation forms can be returned to Camden Junior School and the school will ensure they are forwarded to be included in the consultation.

You can download a copy of the consultation form here.